Since becoming a pro-blogger many of my readers ask about the life of a blogger. Is it worth doing? Many of my readers of this site are either interested in making money online, or looking to getting started writing their own blogs. They’re looking for my advice. As I blog to inform, I’m always happy to answer them.
It’s easy to start a blog the hard part is to keep at it. Bloggers often struggle with what they’re going to say. However, once you get it going, you start to get on a roll. You begin to develop a voice. You even attract some readers along the way. As long as you are blogging on a subject you’re passionate about you will be able to keep providing good content and keep things going.
The first thing I want anyone looking at entering the blogging world is to realise that it offers a wonderful opportunity for you to express yourself, and the chance to connect to an array of different people from all around the world. To those of you already involved in blogging, I hope you haven’t lost your perspective and blogging hasn’t become just hard work.
Blogging should be fun. If you look at blogging just as a way to make money and nothing more, you are in the wrong business. To me blogging brings me so much. The longer you continue doing it, the more money you will make.
So to the question is blogging worth it, I’d answer with a resounding ‘yes’. It is a great way to make money, but it offers so much more to you as an individual.
It’s a great way to build your personal brand. It’s a tool, a platform, a stage for me to demonstrate how I think, what I know, and what I care about. It is the place my voice can be heard.
It connects me to a vast world that need what I provide. Blogging connects me to 1000’s of people. They don’t need to read it every day and they don’t need to leave a comment, yet by visiting they still make a connection with me, and my hope is that it provides them with positivity.
And there are those I now would call friends. Along this journey, I’ve met a lot of people that I’m really proud to call my friends. Most of them are bloggers like me, and I have met them in various communities, where everyone is only too willing to help each other out. Blogging has enabled me to build true wonderful relationships between.
It’s my showplace. My blog provides an unparalleled tool for showcasing my expertise and knowledge. I am chief editor and publisher. It is my choice what I write about and what the message is I’ll bring to my readers. I truly believe I am a very good life coach at personal development and my blog is the perfect place for me to demonstrate this.
It’s my playroom. When I was a child I had my own playroom which I was allowed to use on completion of my homework. Now I get paid very well to play in there all day. That’s what blogging is like to me. So, while many are vegetating in front of the television, or putting a hard 9 to 5 in at the office, I’m relaxing and writing a Blog post.
It keeps me focused. I am committed to creating and publishing a daily article so I am constantly growing, learning, exploring so as to uncover new and interesting topics to write on. The regularity and consistency of the Blog has forced me to keep that myself focused, and my blogs fresh with articles that people find interesting and offering them value.
Thank you emails and comments. These really make my day. I started this blog with an intention to make a contribution to others, and the satisfaction of knowing that I do is purely magical. This was highlighted to me this morning when I read a post by Mary at her blog Living with Food Allergies and Celiac Disease where she mentioned me which can read here
And I hope that I continue to blog for a long time to come. I will always be passionate about blogging and educating, informing and instructing others in my areas of expertise.