If you want to create change in your life, you need to begin to challenge yourself every day and push yourself out your comfort zone.
We hear these phrases everyday – “challenge yourself”, “leave your comfort zone”, “try something new”.
Let me ask you something… to what extent are you willing to challenge yourself? I think that this is an important question to reflect upon on a daily basis. I believe that we are all capable of achieving massive success in life. Each of us has a unique gift, however, too many people aren’t willing to step up to their full potential. Some are too scared to take the leap of faith and try to be the best they can be. As a result, they never know what they are capable of.
As a Gym owner I would constantly push my clients towards newer levels of physical fitness and strength. Teaching them that the only way to build muscle was to ensure that in every strength training workout they did what was needed to challenge themselves and push their bodies to the limit. That’s what muscle growth depended on. Overloading them with weights. At first my clients were reticent not believing they were able to do what I expected of them. But they showed themselves they were capable of being, doing and having far more than they ever realised.
You must begin to challenge yourself every day if you’re going to become the best you that you can be.
Challenge yourself everyday to do better and be better. Remember, growth starts with a decision to move beyond your present circumstances.
Robert TewLess
If you want to improve the life you live then you have to challenge yourself on a daily basis. When we get too down or too comfortable with life, we don’t challenge ourselves to get better.
So challenge yourself.
Live your life with zero regrets.
Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of life’s challenges. As long as you’re willing to step up and push yourself further than before.
I remember when very young working during a holiday for my Dad, I wanted to prove myself as a salesman. So I secretly challenged myself to hit the telephone and make the appointments. I then went to see them and closed sales getting them to advertise in one of my Dad’s Theatres. In between appointments I went in cold to businesses and even made a sale from that.I think I closed 5 sales that first time. This challenge, this huge challenge gave me a skill that I’ve used ever since. It was a step into the unknown and I was terrified. But I showed myself I could do it.
When you challenge yourself, true transformation can be the end result. When you challenge yourself, you find that there is hidden potential waiting to come out.
There’s a good chance that when you sit down and look at yourself, your choices, your habits, have avoided taking risks, and stepping out taking on those big challenges.
It’s human nature to want to be the best version of you. Unfortunately, it is often easier said than done. We all have the big dreams to get a better job, eat healthier, buy a bigger better house, help the community more. How do we achieve these type of things?
You have to step up and be better than you’ve been to achieve these things, but how do you actually motivate yourself to take these challenges?
“As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal.”
Robin S. Sharma
A few days ago I challenged myself in the gym. Not on the weight bench where I love working out, but on the treadmill. I really stepped up my efforts. I set out to run non-stop for five miles. I did it in about 40 minutes. This was the fastest I’ve been able to do it for 10 years. It really was an enormous challenge, one that I’ve been building up towards, and today I set out to accomplish it, and did so successfully.
Mentally I was over the moon, boosted and proud of this accomplishment, even if physically for a while I was a total wreck.
As human beings we are capable of so much when we really apply ourselves. We all have so many hidden talents and reserves of power we are not aware of it. When we choose to dig deep and ignite our inner strength, amazing things start happening and our lives change.
“Don’t run away from a challenge. Instead, run toward it, the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet and the more difficult the victory; the greater the happiness in winning.”
Kemmy Nola
The Virgin brand is fearless when it comes to taking on giant challenges, Sir Richard Branson said this:
“We take on organizations much bigger than ourselves,” Branson says in an interview with Inc. president and editor-in-chief Eric Schurenberg. “It’s a lot more fun being David than Goliath.”
Richard Branson
You yourself would benefit from challenging yourself.
Richard Branson doesn’t only see challenge as a way to push your business but himself too.
“What’s now been interesting to me on this Challenge is to see the difference in what my body is capable of compared to two years ago. Before the last Virgin Strive Challenge I suffered some serious injuries when I fell off my bike, and had to miss lots of training. Most days I had to leave an hour earlier than the main group in order to finish each stage before the end. This time around, I have managed to get a full training program in and it has made a huge difference.”
Richard Branson
Every time you decide to take on a new challenge and learn to overcome it, you empower yourself to be at your best.
Ask yourself what could you achieve if you really put your mind to it?
What Heights Can You Reach?
- Learn a new language.
- Figure out what you’re scared of – and do it for one week consistently.
- Take a class for a hobby you’ve been wanting to pursue.
- Attend one career-related seminar a month.
- Dedicate an hour a day for physical exercise.
- Travel and start seeing the world
- Write that book you’ve dreamed of for so long
- Pick up that telephone and call 20 potential new customers
- Ask out that person you really like but have been too frightened to say
- Call that loved one you have a rift with but want to repair things
- Start that business you’ve always dreamed of
- Increase the weights you lift in the gym month by month
- Increase your top times when running
- Change jobs as the one you’ve been stuck in for an age isn’t what you truly want to be doing.
“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.”
Brian Tracy
By challenging yourself regularly and decisively, you step outside your comfort zone and enter undiscovered territory. By contrast, if you never challenge yourself you will never know what skills, resourcefulness, creativity you’re capable of.
Only by pushing yourself to your limits will you ever know what you’re truly capable of – and you’ll probably have a lot of fun along the way. Stepping out of your comfort zone requires you to extend your personal boundaries in order to create a fulfilling life.
To live a remarkable life, you must take consistent action in spite of your fears and doubts. The idea of challenging yourself is one of the pillars of personal development.
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.”
Helen Keller
How will you challenge yourself today?
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If you really are ready to challenge yourself then you would benefit from working with a Life Coach. I work with a limited number of clients. With my commitment to an online platform bringing together commission sales agents and businesses and to a company that delivers pin and chip machines and ecommerce payment systems my time is limited so I only work with people who are totally committed to their personal transformation. If you are prepared to work hard, keep focused on your big goals the ones that genuinely excite you, and work with me on a weekly basis to transform your life, then get in touch. Best still apply for a free discovery session here.