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What Would A Perfect Day Look Like?

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What Would A Perfect Day Look Like?

If you had no restrictions in life, or any obstacles holding you back, what would a perfect day look like?

Is every day the perfect day for you? Maybe life just isn’t going as you wish it would. One adversity after another sweeps into your life like waves driving to shore smashing against the rocks; you just feel like you’re constantly being swept away. Fighting against the torrent of fast flowing water, unable to swim in the direction you want.

There are times where everything seems to be stacked against you:

  • Your business is failing
  • Your job is boring and paying you to little
  • You’re out of shape and overweight.
  • You are constantly at loggerheads with your partner
  • Your children seem to be growing away from you
  • The years are passing you by and you’re not making your mark
  • Everything around you seems so bleak.

Because the way life seems to be you are constantly seeing negative images in your mind. Your internal images keep throwing you the worse case scenario, showing you pictures of doom and gloom being your only possible outcome.

In turn this affects your internal self-talk resulting in constant negative chatter. Your internal dialogue powerfully programs and shapes your self-image. If you believe you are a failure you will live up to that truth.

A self-image is the mental picture you have of yourself in your mind. It is a picture of the type of person you perceive yourself to be. This picture is formed by all the beliefs you have about yourself. Having a negative self-image can only harm you, surely you see that?

Why do you allow yourself to keep just a destructive pattern happening. By seeing such dark and negative outcomes ahead you are making your future bleak. Knowing this surely you have to make the decision, right now, to make a change which can simply change your life.

You see, you always carry an image of yourself with you and it influences how you think and feel on a day to day basis it will very much determine the results you create.

Yet by simply changing your negative self-image to a positive one you are giving your life such a lift. So isn’t it simply crazy to allow this to keep happening.

So many people come to me as a life coach and say I’ve been trying to improve my life, I’ve tried everything and nothings working. I ask them, describe to me the first thing you think about in the morning either as you are lying in bed, trying to eek out another few minutes, or as you stand up and try to get yourself started.

The most common answer I seem to receive is that they feel stressed and negative. Worried about what is going to happen today, how to pay their bills, and getting through another boring day at work. What chance are they giving themselves? My answer, is none at all. Are you making the same mistake, seeing difficulties ahead from the minute you wake up every morning. If you do you’re ensuring you never experience a perfect day, let alone the perfect life.

So how can you make things different? My clients find one particular exercise I give to them completely life changing. It gives them something to drive them, completely changing the mental picture circulating inside their head. It gives them belief, a dream, a target. They then keep using this to spur them on every day.

There are very few guarantees in life, but I do offer you one. If you do this exercise it will give you the best chance of being able to turn your life around into a brilliant one.

So today I will introduce you to this exercise, and if you are truly interested in improving your life, then once you’ve finished reading this post you will go off and do what I’m about to tell you. Of course I can’t provide you with the full exercise, this takes about two hours. Those I coach not just get to hear me talk about it, but also are able to watch a video after to ensure they really get empowered to follow through, and not only do it but constantly use it. It also depends on another skill that I teach them, and that is visualisation. But any attempt at doing this is going to make a big difference.

So I offer you ‘The Perfect Day’ exercise. I suggest you hide away from the world for about an hour. Cut yourself off from any possible interruptions. Get comfortable in a chair, and for about five minutes just focus on your breathing. What I mean by this is simply observe your breath. Notice every breath in, try to concentrate on the path each breath takes around your body, and then follow it to the point of exit. Just keep doing this.

The once you are in a relaxed state think about this: If you could design your perfect life and could walk into it right now….What would it look like? What are you doing? Where are you? Who are you with? What have you achieved? What have you got? Just see it. Watch the movie play out of you living the perfect day, having the life of your dream. See it, feel it, hear it as though it is really happening.
When I do this exercise with my clients I ask them to record an audio of them describing their vision. I assure you nothing is more empowering for them than this. The very act of doing it is simply inspiring, and then being able to listen to their recording day after day is motivational.

The minute you complete this exercise life will begin to surge forward. If you are ready to empower yourself, giving yourself the best chance of enjoying success and happiness then take a look at my very special offer of working with me for one hour on a skype call. This is going to be totally free. Of course if you find it helps, then my hope is you will want to work with me as your coach, and one of the things I will help you develop is your skills of visualisation and using the perfect day exercise.


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About the author: Larry Lewis
I'm Larry. As an Executive Life Coach, entrepreneur and writer, I am an unshakable optimist dedicated to helping you become the person you most want to be. I am devoted to sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help you create a better, stress free, well balanced life.

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