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How to Write a Blog Post Easily

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Blogging is an important part of my life. I’m fortunate to be a full time blogger. If you are like most part time bloggers, you are trying to squeeze writing articles in between your job, your family, and a thousand other activities. It can be really tough and extremely challenging.

Your blog needs to be regularly updated to attract and then maintain its readership! Hence, you must create or find fresh unique article posts, and we’re going to discuss how to do just that right now.

It’s one thing to know you need to create lots of great content. It’s another to actually know what you’re going to write about this week. Some people make it even harder on themselves. They worry that they’re not an expert on anything, so they can’t possibly create a compelling article that people will want to read.

Are you running short of ideas for blog posts? Are you looking for inspiration? Have you been banging your head against the wall trying to come up with an article. For many coming up with blog topics proves a very difficult part of blogging. Keeping your blog fresh and interesting for readers old and new can see you hitting the blog topics wall, and often that leads to you just not blogging at all

I’m often asked how I come up with so much content so often and so consistently. I write at least 10 blog posts every single week.

I am also asked frequently what should I write about. My first answer every time is to write on a topic that you feel passionate and interested in. I would hate to have to write about something that I’m not interested in, it would just be torturous. When you write about something you’re passionate about your feelings and emotion show through your writings!

Content really is king. As you are going to have to write at least one article at the very minimum every week, month after month, when you focus on your passions everything will be easier.

Ok, so you have to deliver high-quality content, here are some ideas of what you could write about:

1.      Reviews

Reviews make great blog posts. Lots of people want to know about the latest film release, music album, new mobile phone, bestselling book, favourite blog, new washing machine, you get the picture, right? Furthermore, if you write an interesting and comprehensive review, it’s just the sort of thing that readers will bookmark for later reference, e-mail to friends or link to from their own blogs.

2.      The “How-To” Article

Write an article in which you tell the reader how to do something. It could be how to build a house, how to sell a house, how to interior design your house, how to decorate your house, how to rent your house, how to re-mortgage your house, how to throw a house party, how to de clutter your house. Again I hope you’re getting the picture. By the way remind yourself, what is this very article you are reading called? These articles tend to be particularly popular because people love to find out how to do something. Think about your niche and write an article that tells ‘how’ to do something in it. Be certain to only write how-to articles on topics you genuinely understand how to do and have experience with.

3.      The ‘List’ Article

The list article is an article that lists several related pieces of information, and is one of the easiest types of article to write. It could be a list of your favourite niche-related quotes, maybe write a comprehensive list of the best blog posts or articles around a certain topic, or compile a list of frequently asked questions about a certain topic.

4.       ‘Top Ranked’ Articles

You can compile a list of your favourite anything’s, top recipe 10 blogs, top 20 best ever rock anthems, 5 favourite war films, or anything at all. The best thing about these articles is that there are no limits to what you can choose for the subject.

5.      ‘Tip’ Articles

These articles are more like advice and sharing of knowledge or personal experiences. Provide tips on a specific subject drawn from your own experience of what has worked best for you. Provide tips that inform, stimulate, energize, and even entertain.

6.      A Technique Explained

Provide a step-by-step, visually descriptive article teaching the way to perform a specific task. In my niche this could be describing the sequences in relaxation techniques, such as meditation or progressive muscular relaxation. Or maybe in my other field it could be the steps to installing WordPress. You can apply this to almost any industry that has common tasks which may be complex to understand.

Whatever article you write, it is important to establish your own personality through your words. Add a human touch to your blog posts. This can be done by simply imagining you’re talking about a certain topic with your personal friend. An extra bonus for your readers would be a great sense of humour, so try to add funny comments in your articles where they are suitable.

7.      Other Ideas for Articles

  • Create a beginner’s guide to something
  • Write an article in response to a blog post you have read
  • Write an article in response to a comment you received on your blog
  • Interview leaders and influencers in your niche
  • Write about your own journey
  • Invite someone to write a guest post for your blog
  • Explain things you wish you had known or done differently
  • Ask Yourself ‘What challenges are my potential readers facing. What can I advise them to do?’
  • Tell them YOUR story
  • Share your specific goals and how you plan to achieve them

8.      Give resource information to your readers.

Give the addresses of websites where your readers can get more information on the subjects that you are talking about. These may be your own websites or they can be other resources. In case you are worrying about losing customers, good outgoing links from your website are also helpful to your site’s page ranking and positioning in search engines.

If you write articles using one of these ideas, you will have a solid foundation for many successful blog posts from now on.

How do you determine what to write for your blog posts? Comment below…


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About the author: Larry Lewis
I'm Larry. As an Executive Life Coach, entrepreneur and writer, I am an unshakable optimist dedicated to helping you become the person you most want to be. I am devoted to sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help you create a better, stress free, well balanced life.

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