“Discover who you truly are and fully give every aspect of your uniqueness to the world. This is your path to an extraordinary life.” Unknown
I wonder how many people genuinely love their life, look forward to waking up every morning and doing their thing. Too many people I know spend a lifetime worrying, struggling, trying to survive. Life is hard for them. They feel great pain, loneliness and just have to endure. This is not the way life’s meant to be.
I’m in my early 50’s and I regret how long it took me to follow my calling. I believe that life can only become truly fulfilling and your work exciting when it means something, and for it to mean something to you it has to follow your calling.
Merriam-Webster defines a “calling” as: “…a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence.”
When I started my business I was determined to love everything I would do and bring my passions to the forefront of my life. The difficult part was to determine creative ways to make money from it. I didn’t ever want to take money off people by selling something that wouldn’t make a major contribution to them.
Life Coaching gave me a fantastic outlet that enabled me to do something I loved and get paid through helping other people. You see for a long time my life has been about helping people. It makes me feel so good inside and I love nothing more than seeing or hearing the joy when someone’s tells me what they’ve been able to accomplish having worked with me. It was always the same when I was running my gyms. If I could help somebody achieve their results, I would take a lot of pride and be so happy for them. It’s a great way to be.
Through this site I’m taking the next step where I truly believe I can make the difference by giving people a reason to have hope and not give up. This is going to feel so good.
I hate knowing there are people who struggle every day in their life, and have faced one disaster or another. I did to and I feel by it happening I found my purpose and have gone on to follow my calling. You see this is where life can be wonderful. Find out what you need to do to follow your calling. What is your purpose in life? What would you like people to remember you for?
My path to success has come with many hardships and I still have a long way to go before I can reach true success. Along the course of my life, I have discovered helping people really truly makes me happy and is a sure fire way to success.
We are all responsible for our own lives, and we deserve to choose a route that will give us the greatest satisfaction. What success means to me is how I will make a difference, and when I do then I am successful.
When you follow your calling life seems to flow with endless opportunities. We find so much to excite us. Every day we awake eager to get started making our daily contribution. We love the work we do, and as we’re going to spend most of our time doing it that’s fortunate. Yet so any people spend half of their waking hours at work in a state of frustration, boredom or downright desperation. This is not the way you should choose to live.
I think there are three factors that determine your ultimate outcome. One is the actions you are taking, without action nothing will happen. With the wrong actions you won’t achieve what it is you believe is right for you. The second is the person you are being. If you are authentic, genuine and caring for others you will succeed. The third is doing what you love.
Many people live their entire lives never giving themselves permission to truly step into who they were called to be. Don’t be one of them. We were each given talents and gifts for a purpose. It is our life’s mission to tune into what this. When you follow your calling you can give something great to the world and to others.
Isn’t that the way life’s meant to be?
Follow your calling get connected to what your true passion is and do something big with your life.
Ask yourself “What should I to do with my life?”