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Life is not the same without Passion!

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I spent a little time in Twitter the other day and someone else agreed that life is not the same without passion. I came across a tweet from @Byron_London which really caught my attention. He wrote “I cant grasp what life must be like for people who do not have a passion or a dream. Where are they going? What are they living for?

This is a subject that I write about frequently both here and at Healthy Lifestyles Living.

It is my belief that individuals need to sincerely and intensely follow a passion and a dream and come to realize the truth of that fact in order to live a life full of happiness, joy and success.

Our dreams are not out of reach when we have the intense passion, drive and vision to see them fulfilled. Passion is our fuel. It is that emotion within that makes our hearts race when we ponder on our dream; or reflect on our future having fulfilled our dream. Passion begins with vision. Without vision, we can’t move forward as we won’t know where we’re going. It’s our signpost guiding us to the place we want to be.

[blockquote photo=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/les-parrott.jpg” align=”left” author=”Les Parrott” occupation=”Clinical Psychology for Seattle Pacific University”] Vision is a picture of the future that gives passion to the present.

I want you to start to see all the possibilities that life has to offer. Reflect on what you can become if he only you choose to follow your passions and live to achieve your dreams. Maybe right now you stand at the crossroads of life, unable to make a decision of how to take your life forward. But forward you must go, hasn’t life felt like you’ve been standing in quick stand far too long. Now’s the time to make strides in the direction you really want to go. Now’s the time to once again allow yourself to dream the dream. Bring your passions and dreams together and design the vision that offers you the perfect life.

The fact is the possibilities are endless for you and you have the freedom to do anything you desire.

Don’t put of finding your passion any longer. Passion is something that you want to do and you were meant to do with your life. Everyone has a passion and they can live a full life when they know exactly what their passion is and what they need to do.

Answer these questions right now. What are you passionate about? Can you define your dream in a sentence? Are you feeling passion in what you are doing every day? Are you thrilled about what your day holds? Alternatively are you just going through the motions, working for a pay check?

I spent many years not living my life passion. But over the last I took the steps to anable me to live it.

I can say without a doubt that finding and living your life passion makes a huge positive difference in your quality of life.

I wake up excited about what every day will bring. There is nothing more exhilarating than spending every day chasing your own visions, being part of a business you have 100% passion for, and working to a plan to achieve the life you want.

I love the work I’m doing.

I am happier and more energetic in general.

A life lived passionately in the pursuit of your dreams is the way we are meant to live, but we have to make the commitment to ourselves to follow this path.

If you don’t you will squander your life on meaningless pursuits, wasting time doing worthless activities that will have no value for your future.

So make today the day you pull out your dreams from the depth of your mind, dust them off, and start doing whatever it takes to start making them a reality. Start living your life with passion again.


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About the author: Larry Lewis
I'm Larry. As an Executive Life Coach, entrepreneur and writer, I am an unshakable optimist dedicated to helping you become the person you most want to be. I am devoted to sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help you create a better, stress free, well balanced life.

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