‘How do I make money online?’
‘Show me how to create a profitable business online.’
Today, I just want to write a short post. One that most bloggers would write a ton of information. But nothing seems to help most of the readers. They struggle on, never seemingly able to make money online.
I get asked this question daily. It’s like the holy grail of questions from many hobby bloggers.
The answer is actually quite simple. But you have to be prepared to put a lot of time into it.
The starting point for me, is that you must you build an online business around your talents, knowledge and passion.
Let me say that again, in a different way, create a business doing what you love and make money from it online and offline.
I’m really passionate about providing others the skills and knowledge to enable them to create a profitable online business build around their passions.
I will be showcasing a few of my clients journey over the next few months, using their experience to demonstrate what is possible online. I have no doubts they’re going to create a profitable online business, and their journey is going to help you do the same.
For those of you who are impatient, let me give you some sound advise . Let’s look at how you’re going to make money. Whenever I’m asked that question I answer with the following three methods –
1. Ecommerce shop
2. Affiliate marketing
3. Selling your OWN products and services
4. Selling advertising
In my experience, you need to be focusing on the combination of all these methods.
That’s it, I promise you. Get these done and you’ll create a profitable online business.