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A Blog Writing Formula for Success

A Blog Writing Formula for Success

In this post I want to provide you with a blog writing formula for success that will turn your blog writing into a result getting production factory. Of equal importance it will make your blog posts more interesting for your readers. You started a blog a couple of years ago and it isn't doing anything for you. ...

When You Love Your Work

I have left the cold rainy weather of the UK and am currently on an aeroplane heading to the sun and sea of Lanzarote. (more…)

Blogging a mirror of my thoughts

Blogging gives me at times a mirror of my thoughts, a chance to write my random musings and an opportunity to reflect on things in my life. It’s a fantastic way to release whatever your mind is thinking about, and when your soul has a cause the power of your writing can ramp up a long ...

Prioritising Your Time Online

What an amazing amount of time many of us spend online. We’re online from morning to night looking at websites, searching for all sorts of things through Google, interacting in one of the many social networks that have caught our fancy from Facebook to Twitter, watching and sharing videos through YouTube, and photographs through Flickr and ...

A Recap of This Week’s Posts at larry-lewis.com

A Recap of This Week’s Posts at larry-lewis.com Here’s a recap of blog posts you may have missed this week: Monday 17th September: Tip for Brilliant Blog Content Your blog content doesn’t start when you’re sitting at the keyboard hammering away at the keys. It begins with an idea in your head about what you want to write about. ...

95% of Online Businesses Fail

A much used statistic in our industry is that 95% of all Internet businesses fail. The shame of it all is that many of these online businesses fail for easily identifiable reasons. Specialized knowledge is an essential for success, and they’ve not been given the right information to teach them what they need to know. The time I ...

Provide Value, Sell Solutions

People go online to find the answer to a question or to get more information on a certain topic. People are surfing for information  . Through your website or blog you need to provide your visitors with extraordinary amounts of value. You need to make everyone that finds their way to your site feel confident that you know your ...

Stop Wasting Your Time Blogging

Some of you may begin to fear those dissenting voices are right. You’re thinking maybe you are wasting your time blogging. You set up your blog. You spend days, even weeks building up the best content you can possibly produce. You spend even more time visiting other blogs and commenting on them. You’re drinking coffee by the ...

Business Online Building My Future

I’m best known for being the blogger at www.healthlifestylesliving.com.  On that site I  write about all matters healthy lifestyles living, and personal development. This is my passion and it is the reason I have a successful business online. I’m still at times shaking myself, so I don’t forget that only two years ago when I started ...

Hobby Blogger No More

I can title this blog as hobby blogger no more, because it is an accurate statement for me, but not one I am completely happy to have accepted the transformation it has brought. Of course the financial benefits have been fantastic, and the lifestyle that I can live is just what I wanted. But I do ...

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