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Archives by: Larry Lewis

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Work to Live not Live to Work

I remember the days when I used to raise to my alarm clock at 5am in the morning to allow me to set off to work at 5.30 every morning, clearly an example of someone who only knew how live to work not work to live. Frequently I was living out of a suitcase travelling thousands ...

Take One Day At a Time

Yesterday I was chatting with a young lady who works with Stroke Victims. She recounted a conversation with one of her clients who had been struck down some 10 years ago. He says the most important thing for anyone to understand is you have to take one day at a time. (more…)

You Can Make A Real Difference

Pass on your wisdom so you can make a real difference! How do you pass on your knowledge and experiences to others? Most people use only a tiny portion of their potential, and many never find their true gift or calling in life. They never find a worthwhile cause to support, a reason that really means something ...

When Everything Seems To Go Wrong

We’ve all experienced times in life when things do not go according to plans, in fact we suffered from those periods when everything seems to go wrong. And, when everything seems to go wrong, it is easy to get stuck in self-pitying, defeatism and a downward spiral. (more…)

Breaking Free

Neil and I work so hard but sometimes we are embarrassed by how much we enjoy ourselves during our working day. But I know it isn’t like this for most people who are stuck in jobs they hate just dreaming of breaking free from this mediocre life. (more…)

You’re Not a Loser

No matter how hard things may be, what troubles your life may be struggling with, the one thing you must do is hold the belief that you’re not a loser. (more…)


About Stress And The Effects Of Stress Combat stress – The Healthy Lifestyle way will show you: What stress is How stress affects your health and lifestyle How to effectively deal with stress using simple and effective techniques to bring about positive health benefits, both mentally and physically. (more…)
Combat Stress – Introduction

Combat Stress – Introduction

Who am I I have spent nearly 20 years of my working life in the Health and Fitness Industry. In addition having for many years studied personal development, I then qualified as a Life Coach. My philosophy is simple – the mind and body are connected, they both have to work well and together to achieve success. ...

The light at the end of the tunnel

I was saddened to read a story the other day where it talks about Kenny Sansom, an ex hero of mine when he wore the red and  white of Arsenal. This article was called Sansom sees light at end of tunnel  and goers on to say that he is trying to get his life back on track after ...

What Have You Achieved in life so far?

My mission as a personal development and healthy lifestyle blogger is to remind and encourage my readers on a regular basis that they need to stay strong and focused in their pursuit of achieving their dreams. (more…)

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