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Archives by: Larry Lewis

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Discover Your One Natural Gift

I am absolutely certain that each of us are born with one natural gift that makes us special. Unfortunately many people will go throughout their lives never waking up to what this gift is. (more…)

Be Ready to Adapt

Like many reptiles, iguanas are cold-blooded, egg-laying animals with an excellent ability to adapt to their environment. Their ability to adapt is a strong factor in their ability to survive. Adaptation is the way in which organisms change or evolve to meet the needs of their environment. Adapting to their environment is generally geared toward protection ...

How We React

Today’s Teaching is about how we react to the things that happen to us. Our response to failure and events that happen to us are often the key to whether we will go on to enjoy ultimate success or live a life of ‘only ifs.’ (more…)

The meaning of life

“I don’t know what to do.” “I feel stuck.” “I’m lost.” Those are words I hear frequently from clients. Life feels stalled. All those big hopes and dreams seem to have just evaporated into dust. The meaning of life and how your time should be spent has no bearing to you. Who has time to think ...

Share the pain

Why do we hold in our pain? Some may because of embarrassment, others down to personal pride. The pain I’m talking about is the one that you feel when things just don't go well, perhaps a venture you set out on that not only doesn't go to plan but ends up in complete failure. (more…)

Is it time for you to take control of your life?

So many people I meet see how hopeless their life is, and know they can’t go on living like they are, instead they need to take control of their life. (more…)

Never Give Up No Matter What.

When you decide to never give up, and instead try harder, work longer, and persist in the face of everything that comes your way you are giving yourself the best opportunity to succeed. (more…)

Helping Others Whenever You Can

There is nothing that I love more than helping others. And due to my  failures I am now able to do that. Most cultures reward and encourage success and ridicule and shame failure. Growing up, we are taught to pursue success and at all costs avoid failure. We are so ashamed of failing that we would ...

10 Great Never Give Up Songs

Today I bring you 10 great never give up songs to inspire you. I’ve always loved music. I suppose one of my biggest regrets is I’ve never learnt to play a musical instrument. Now there’s a thought, maybe a new goal to set myself. (more…)

Learn from your Difficulties

I’ve recently been dealing with a massive challenge of seeing my mother fight for her life while at the same time attempting to launch my never give up teachings. I have no doubt the timing of these two events has no coincidence. I was asked the question the other day, which of my disasters do I think ...

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