The Fear of failure is one of the most destructive forces that holds you back. Are you crippled by fear? Do you feel powerless to overcome fear and its power to hold you back?
At some point in life we will all fear something we experience in our lives. Sometimes it’s a valuable emotion that keeps you from danger. For instance, not stepping in front of on rushing cars is a fear that protects you from very real dangers. But fear can also have a negative impact, stopping you from achieving your goals and dreams.
“It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.” Eckhart Tolle
Failure will lead you to make decisions that hold you back. If you’ve been putting the brakes on your life, now is the time to take control and start living how you want to.
You could be afraid of failing or be scared of trying. One of the most common reasons for fear is hearing so many people telling you that you can’t do something. It puts self-doubt in your head and you start to question whether it really is possible to succeed. Others of you fear what others even think about you.
I find it tragic the number of people who put their dreams on hold because they have a fear of failure. This fear kills your drive to pursue this dream. The fear of failure is the worst thing that can happen to any one of you. It confines you from making even an attempt at doing the things you most want to do. The fear of failure restricts your future and can affect your entire future.
Fear of failure is one of the greatest fears people have. We often put off doing things that make us apprehensive, even though it could benefit us if we did them. Do you often find yourself not trying to achieve something important because of the fear of failure? You are not alone, many of us, for different reasons let fear hold us back.
“Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.” Oprah Winfrey
As such, the fear of failure shows up frequently in our lives:
Not asking that person you really like out on a date
Not writing that book
Not starting that business
Not applying for that promotion
Not asking for a raise
Not going to a party
For many people, that fear of failure is incredibly limiting. If you’re scared of failing, you’re unlikely to set your ambitions too high. You won’t step outside your comfort zone, even if you know that greater rewards, excitement or fulfilment lie beyond its borders.
What failure do you fear, that is holding you back from changing something in your life that isn’t working?
The problem is that you are allowing the fear of failure to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. You are inclined to attract those things that you constantly fear. It is going to ensure you never create the life you would want to.
You have to overcome your fear of failure.
The first thing you need to do when you really want something, but are too fearful to attempt it, is explore and clarify your thoughts and feelings, and challenge them. What are your beliefs and assumptions? What are you telling yourself… your habitual self-dialogue? What excuses or procrastination might you be using to cover up your fear? Once you have then down, begin to question them.
Then tell yourself that you can. Keep looking at what you’ve written, and then again say ‘I CAN!’ Repeat this exercise over a few days, and then over the rest of the week, every time you hear yourself say ‘I Can’t’ immediately respond with ‘I CAN.’ The idea is to make your own self believe in the truth of your ability. Never again be overly concerned about failure. Condition your mind to think only of ‘I can.’
“If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, you’re right” Henry Ford