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Turn Your Big Idea Into A Profitable Business

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Popular TV programmes such as Dragon’s Den and The Apprentice have captured the imagination of many potential entrepreneurs.

Are you an entrepreneur in the making?

Do you have a big idea? Maybe profitable business ideas!

It’s time to take your passion – your ideas – your love for what you do and turn it into a profitable business. But you need a great big idea or product.

If you don’t have a big idea, you simply have nothing to build your business around.

It can happen that an entrepreneur has a sudden inspiration for a great business idea. Such an idea may arrive out of the blue and prove to be the foundation for a successful and lasting enterprise.

Others have to think hard to determine the best way for them to create a business and find the big idea around which to build their business around. One starting point is to find a solution to a problem. The solution has to be practical, so the first place an entrepreneur may wish to look is the workplace he or she is most familiar with, or by thinking about possible answers to problems encountered in daily life.

Generating ideas in these ways also provides opportunities for entrepreneurs to express their creativity. This is where inspiration may actually strike and help to give business ideas a uniqueness that propels them to success.

If I get an idea for something that feels like it needs to be out there in the world, and through research I find out it hasn’t already been done, then I believe I have a fundamental obligation to make sure it happens. My entire business as well as my life philosophy is built around making the difference.  I’m very passionate about ideas that I believe can improve people’s lives.

If you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, particular when your business is built around your passions, you have to build this business around your big idea. Passion for business and loving what you do really can be best reflected in your products.

Unfortunately, there lies the root of many people’s failure to make much money online. They never create anything new, nothing different, failing to set themselves apart from the multitude of other businesses online.

To put together something that can make you money from your passions in truth isn’t he hardest thing to do. You just in the first instance have to follow a very simple model:

1. Create and deliver something of value…

2. That other people want or need…

3. At a price they are willing to pay…

4. In a way that satisfies the customers needs and expectations…

If you’re not dedicated to this, if you’re not going to take it seriously and if you’re not going to work at your online business every day (or as much as you can), then you are going to fail, so you may as well quit right now.

What I will never understand is how many people stick to trying to sell other people’s products only. Worse still many try to succeed through promoting other companies products through being an affiliate. I know there are some who do well out of this, but most don’t.  As we are all individuals, capable of coming up with our very own custom made product, to me its so obvious that is what everyone should be doing. Use our strengths, skills, passion, knowledge, and wrap it up around our own product.

In its simplest terms, when an entrepreneur recognizes a need (problem), he goes in search of a solution (product or service) to meet that need. And when an entrepreneur conceives an idea for a product or service, he goes in search of a group of people who have a need for it.

The reward of a good entrepreneur is profit. In order words, the reward of an entrepreneur’s call to create a value-adding venture is profitability. This is where money comes into play. The money comes only after a value-adding venture had first been created.

Your prospective  customers are out there and they have a need or problem that needs to be solved, and I’m betting you have the ability to supply the answer through a brilliant product that you can create. Indeed, creating this product that will solve these problems will make you an entrepreneur.

Let them see your big idea, make it truly visible, and the revenue will come your way.

A new business idea is born every second and a large number of these are potentially profitable ones, let your idea be the next one. It really will make the road to success easier.

If turning your creative idea into a viable, money making business is your heart’s desire, you can do this – it will be the most incredible journey you’ve ever been on.

Bring your passion to business, let it lead you to create your very own product, and let that propel you to success. Just know finding profitable business ideas is the best starting point you’need!


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About the author: Larry Lewis
I'm Larry. As an Executive Life Coach, entrepreneur and writer, I am an unshakable optimist dedicated to helping you become the person you most want to be. I am devoted to sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help you create a better, stress free, well balanced life.

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