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Blog Getting Started Tips #1: Know the Purpose of your blog

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Hi to you bloggers out there. Ask yourself one key question: what is the focus and the purpose of your blog?

This is perhaps one of the most important questions you need to ask yourself as a blogger, and yet is where I see so many bloggers go so badly wrong.

Are you struggling with answering this question yourself?  In truth are you not sure what you’re targeting towards achieving with blogging? Are you pretty much now doing it just for the sake of doing it. It’s just something you do.

Don’t worry you’re not alone. Many others went head on into blogging, without giving a moment’s thought to any goals.

My blog has changed a lot over my two years of blogging. At first, I blogged just for pleasure and now for business. But I have always provided consistent, useful information, with my focus on healthy lifestyles living and personal development.

My purpose has remained constant throughout. Just my goals have changed.  I believe that I have a duty to help others find the answers they are looking for and provide them with solutions that work. I have a responsibility to remind them that it is never too late to embark upon their own journey of personal development.

I’m passionate about helping change people’s lives for the better. As a Speaker, Life Coach and Personal Development Blogger I love inspiring others.

As a healthy lifestyles and personal development blogger I am trying to inspire positive change in the world. I’m trying to inspire others to reach their potential in spite of imperfections and despite problems.

And now I’m an established successful blogger, it just means I can make a bigger impact, making a far greater contribution, but my purpose remains the same. My growth can be put down to the fact that I was clear from the very beginning why I was blogging. So maybe you can see why it’s so important for you to get this clarity.

A blog can be a wonderful tool for many things. Your blog allows you to build relationships, to advise and notify, to reflect and respond, to report, or to educate, instruct, or establish thought. You can use it to induce a call to action, or to create leads, maybe the place to showcase your talents.

But your blog needs to always deliver a consistent message about why it exists, what its focus is, what your readers will get from it.

The Purpose of your blog simply could be something like:

1. You want an outlet to express yourself creatively

2. Interact with others mutually fascinated by your subject matter

3. A personal journal, a way to clear your chest of everything that happens

4. It’s a way to make money

5. As a method to generate leads for marketing purposes

6. To establish your personal brand

7. You want to make the difference through the knowledge and skills you possess, and blogging gives you a wonderful stage to do this. Oh yes, this is my one.

But there are literally hundreds of different reasons to blog. You have to know which one is right for you!

Knowing why you are blogging is important.  Without clear purpose and goals you are rudderless. You end up just blogging for the sake of blogging, but don’t really understand or comprehend the purpose as to why. This will, almost inevitably, result in a blog failing after the initial rush of excitement.

If you take the time to really define what your blog is for then you can work towards doing everything with that purpose and goal in mind.

The blogosphere is busting at the seams with blogs.  Your purpose is what’s going to make the difference. It will help you:

  • stand high above the crowd
  • make you different
  • rise above the competition
  • get people to read your blog
  • bring you ultimate success

So determine what your purpose of blogging is.

Get thinking!!!


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About the author: Larry Lewis
I'm Larry. As an Executive Life Coach, entrepreneur and writer, I am an unshakable optimist dedicated to helping you become the person you most want to be. I am devoted to sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help you create a better, stress free, well balanced life.

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